Pilot Programs | Satov Immigration
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Immigration Pilot Programs

There are currently 3 pilot program categories to choose from when considering immigration to Canada. These all fall under the economic stream of immigration, and have been designed to assist economic and labour market needs.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs

The Atlantic Immigration Program assists employers in Atlantic Canada in hiring skilled workers who wish to move to this region, as well as international graduates who wish to stay in Atlantic Canada post-graduation. This stream is for those who wish to live and work in one of 4 Canadian provinces:​


  • Newbrunswick

  • Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Nova Scotia

  • Prince Edward Island


In order to qualify under this stream for permanent residence, you are required to obtain a job offer from a designated employer in Atlantic Canada and be:


To find out who the designated employers are in each province, you may check each provincial website: New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island

Getting a job offer


If you are offered a job by a designated employer, they will provide you with an Offer of Employment to a Foreign National form. You must ensure that:

  • you meet the employment requirements listed in the National Occupation Classification

  • you qualify for the program the employer selected in the job offer

  • you sign the Offer of Employment to a Foreign National form and keep a copy for your own records


Atlantic International Graduate Program

  • must have degree, diploma or other credential from a publicly funded institution in an Atlantic province

  • must have lived in an Atlantic province for at least 16 months in the 2 years prior to obtaining your degree, diploma or credential

  • must take a language test to show your language proficiency in English or French

  • must show that you can support yourself and your family financially in Canada

Atlantic High-Skilled Program

  • must have worked in a management, professional or technical/skilled job for at least 1 year

  • must have at least a Canadian high school diploma or equivalent

  • must take a language test to show your language proficiency in English or French

  • must show that you can support yourself and your family financially in Canada

Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program

  • must have worked in a job that requires a high school education and/or job-specific training for at least 1 year

  • must have at least a Canadian high school diploma or equivalent

  • must take a language test to show your language proficiency in English or French

  • must show that you can support yourself and your family financially in Canada


Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program

The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program was designed to bolster the economy of rural communities by hiring foreign nationals who have obtained a job offer within the same community's boundaries. To be eligible for this program you must be able to establish yourself economically in the the community that has made the recommendation as well as intend to reside there permanently. The program is based on the following requirements:

  • work experience

  • job offer requirements

  • community recommendation

  • education

  • language proficiency

  • settlement funds

Work experience

  • you must have accumulated at least 1 year of continuous, full-time (or part-time equivalent) work experience in any NOC, within the 3 years prior to applying for the program

  • you must have performed the actions in the lead statement of the NOC

  • you must have performed a substantial number of the main duties in the NOC, including all essential duties

  • you must have been paid for this work

  • you could have worked overseas or in Canada

Exemption for international students

  • you had to have graduated with a credential from a 2+ year-long post-secondary program and you

    • were studying as a full-time student for the full duration of that 2 years​

    • received the credential within 18 months prior to your application for permanent residence

    • were in the community for at least 16 months of the last 24 months spent studying to obtain your credential


  • you have a master's degree or higher and you

    • were studying full-time for the duration of your degree program​

    • obtained your degree within the 18 months prior to your application for permanent residence

    • were in the community for a period of your studies

Job offer

You will be required to submit an Offer of Employment to a Foreign National - Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot form with your application. In order for your job offer to be valid, it must:

  • be from an employer that carries on business in the community

  • be full-time and non-seasonal

  • be for an indeterminate period of time

  • be at the same skill level, 1 level above, or 1 level below the NOC that applies to your work experience

Community recommendation

You are required to receive a recommendation from a participating community. This is done through the designated Economic Development Organization (EDO) of each community. You will need to apply directly to the specific EDO in order to obtain a recommendation. You can find a participating community by visiting the Government of Canada website.


  • you must have a high school diploma, post-secondary certificate or degree that is valid and equal to a Canadian equivalent

  • if you completed your studies outside of Canada, you must obtain an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)

  • your ECA must be less than 5 years old on the date your application is received by the government


  • NOC 0 and A - minimum CLB/NCLC 6

  • NOC B - minimum CLB/NCLC 5

  • NOC C and D - minimum CLB/NCLC 4


You will be required to show that you have enough unencumbered funds to support yourself and your family members once you arrive in Canada. Proof can be via bank statements, a certification letter, proof of savings, deposit statements, etc. These funds cannot be borrowed from someone else and you must be able to use these funds to pay the cost of living for your family members even if they are not accompanying you to Canada.


Agri-Food Pilot

The Agri-Food Pilot Program was designed to bolster the economy and labour needs of the Canadian agri-food sector. It is particularly aimed at year-round mushroom and greenhouse crop production, meat processing, and livestock industries. This program is for those who are non-seasonal workers and wish to settle in Canada.

The program will run until May 2023 and each year a set number of applications will be accepted into processing. Beginning on January 1st of each year, applications will be processed on a first-come-first-serve basis until the application acceptance cap is reached.

The program is based on the following requirements:

  • education

  • language proficiency

  • work experience

  • job offer requirements

  • settlement funds


You must have a Canadian high school diploma or an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) showing that you have the equivalent foreign education

Language proficiency

You will be required to take a language proficiency test and meet a minimum of CLB or NCLC level 4 in all four categories - reading, writing, speaking, listening.

Work experience

You must meet the following Canadian work experience criteria:

  • minimum of 1 year of non-seasonal, full-time work in the 3 years prior to applying for the program

    • in 1 or more of the eligible occupations listed under 1 of the eligible industries​

    • through a Temporary Foreign Worker Program (LMIA)

  • if you are currently in Canada on an open work permit, but you previously held a work permit through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, you may still have eligible work experience (work experience obtained while on an open work permit will not count towards this requirement)

Job offer

The job offer you obtain must be genuine, meaning:

  • it must meet the needs of the employer

  • the employer must be actively involved in the business where you will work

  • the employer must be able to fulfill the terms of the job offer

  • the employer must have complied with all employment laws and rules in the past

Your job offer must also meet the following requirements:

  • the job must be in an eligible occupation listed under 1 of the eligible industries

  • the job must be full-time

  • the job cannot be seasonal

  • your employment must be for an indeterminate period of time

  • if the position is unionized, wages must be determined by the applicable collective agreement

  • if the position is not unionized, wages must meet or exceed the prevailing median wage for the occupation listed on your job offer

  • the job must for inside Canada, but outside of Quebec

Settlement funds

Unless you are working in Canada with a valid work permit when you apply for the program, you will be required to show that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family members (even non-accompanying family members) once you settle in Canada.

Eligible industries and occupations

The following eligible industries are part of the Agri-Food Pilot:

  • meet production manufacturing

  • greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production, including mushroom production

  • animal production, excluding aquaculture

The following are a list of eligible jobs as classified by the National Occupational Classification (NOC):

Meet and Manufacturing

  • retail butchers

  • industrial butchers

  • farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers

  • food processing labourers

Greenhouse, Nursery and Floriculture Production, including Mushroom Production

  • farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers

  • general farm workers

  • harvesting labourers

Animal Production, excluding aquaculture

  • farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers

  • general farm workers




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